This is a reminder that the AGM of GIRVAN TRADITIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL is due to take place on 19 AUGUST 2019, at 6pm in The Westcliffe Hotel, Louisa Drive, Girvan. Girvan Folk Festival is incorporated as a SCIO and registered as a Charity. The SCIO is responsible for the oversight and Governance of the organisation. Organisation and Management of the annual Folk Festival is delegated to a committee. Plans for the Festival in 2020 are already in progress following on from a Committee / Evaluation meeting. This AGM will be the first Annual General Meeting of the SCIO.
AGENDA: Sederunt / Chairman’s Report / Secretary’s Report – includes Trustees Report / Treasurer’s Report / Elections – includes resignations and new appointments / Resolutions – notified in advance by at least 24 hours / AOCB
Any notifications can be sent via email to or by post c/o Westcliffe Hotel, Louisa Drive, GIRVAN, KA26 9AH For further information see the Governance and AGM page on the festival website.