Listen again – or Listen for the first time: Girvan Festival 20u21 (Online) launched over its usual May Day weekend. Because of the wonders of technology, all events are available to view throughout the month of May (apart from the Late Night Extras which were live events at a specific time.) Our ‘Saturday’ Concert now becomes The Kist ‘o Riches Concert and our Sunday Farewell Concert has been renamed The Milestone Concert – with a nod to Ailsa Craig, the magnificent granite island off the coast at Girvan and also known as Paddy’s Milestone. Several free events are now accessible from our Programme Page. Some events will be released as the month progresses. There is now a ‘Donate’ option on the Festival website. If you enjoy the free events, and can afford it, please consider making a donation. This is a great opportunity for the Festival to reach new people and we have done our best not to put a ticket barrier in the way of people engaging with the Festival. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION with your friends and any organisations you are involved with.